Thursday, October 8, 2020

How Tools Condition Our Way Of Working In Certified Scrum Master Training?

This week twitter was full of comments about the latest update from JIRA, the dictator of the way we work, the world's most famous Ticket Management tool. I put Ticket Management because it is what it is. JIRA is super vitamin with plugins but what it does really well is ticket management.

professional agile coach certified

Returning to the topic, I put here the update, sorry because I only found it in English and I prefer to show the speech from the original source.

This is the most impressive thing I have seen in time. We put decimals in the story points. We have gone crazy! Various things here. The first is that in good professional scrum master training the story points are a complementary practice.

From what you see and what I have seen in many organizations that I have helped, JIRA makes you a slave to the way you work. Epics, Story Points, Versions, JIRA is assuming that all teams in the world use story points. Big mistake! I'd like to ask the audience a question. How many people who are going to read this newsletter are comfortable with the story points?

It's more. How many people have had to explain to their hierarchical superior who is in the orbit of the development team that a Story Point is? And finally, how many people in the audience are slaves to these JIRA setups? Unfortunately, JIRA imposes our way of working.

I have been endless times trying to answer these questions. And I have always had to make a break, like the day from Messi to Boateng, to have a kind of board for converting hours to story points…. until I discovered Kanban with Scrum.

Kanban with Scrum gave me what I needed. Go back to talking about days instead of story points. In Kanban, we planted 4 metrics; we planted Work in Progress, Throughput, Work Item Age and Cycle Time.

With these 4 metrics you will not need anything else. The most important thing is that you are going to think again in days and not in points.

I made a video explaining how to ditch the story points and move on to more realistic metrics for team day. I am attaching the video below in case you want to see it. I recommend it to end your "nightmare" of story points. Flow control is basic and strategic for any team. There, conversations change and better decisions are made.

Bottlenecks are better observed from the flow analysis and also with the 4 previous metrics we can better manage future predictability. You do not believe me? I recommend you watch the video that I am attaching to you in this newsletter. Make a game of Twig and you will see how these metrics help you.

As professional advice, I also tell you that your life will be better with JIRA faraway since it is to capture the dictatorship imposed for our way of working in the 21st century.



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